Thursday, May 6, 2010

"Three Cups of Tea" - Thoughts before Colloquia

Three Cups of Tea
by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin

Role of Women
Mission – imperfections
Promises – Greg’s Mission to make and fulfill promises?
Education and its power to change
Role of western more economically advanced countries in the development of less economically powerful countries
Interaction of different cultures-ability of each to learn from each other

If our biggest goal was to develop strong families, what would we do differently than Greg?
Is the shunning of the crude man a valid form of governance?
How do Greg’s imperfections – shyness, poor communication w/superiors influence his ability to achieve his mission?
How do we get accurate news/information?
Is Greg’s focus on the education of girls going to have any unintended consequences?
How should we help? How can we help in a way that shares what is ultimately true and good about our lives w/out sharing that which only seems to be true and good?

Unique voice – does it help/hurt? Why is it used?

Big Picture
I want to take my mission seriously. I want to live it, not just hope that it happens.
I want to be more open to the seemingly impossible.
I want my children to grow up with stories of people willing to sacrifice for others.
I want my children and myself to better understand the concept of mission.