Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Why I'm Writing

I love to read. In his April 2008 talk Elder Ballard suggested young mothers chose one or two things to enrich their lives. I’ve hemmed and hawed, considering drawing, piano, and even sleeping, but finally decided that reading was my thing. I love words, love the anticipation of an unfinished story and the sweetness of a character so real, you can bring him back at will.

But for me, reading has two significant drawbacks – it leaves nothing behind, and it can be passive, not requiring me to stretch.

My life is full of things that leave no tracks: laundry, diaper changes, meals are erased with the new tide. Though I have a pretty good memory for things I read, a lot gets lost over time, especially if I’ve done nothing to process it.

Because I’ve chosen reading to renew me, I don’t require everything I read to be life-changing or deeply intellectual. Sometimes I read… just for fun! But even still, I want some kind of record, something to show the path I’ve walked. Knitters get baby booties, pianists play concerts; I guess readers have to blog.

So, I plan to leave a record of the books I read. Mostly I’ll just talk to myself and try to create some order out of the random thoughts that occur to us readers as we turn the pages. Also, some of the books I read are ones I think my children may choose to pick up later and I’d like enough of my thoughts and questions written down that I could recreate the enthusiasm of a book just read and reap another sweet fruit of reading, discussion.

And though I joke that I’m talking to myself, I obviously don’t mean it or I would just leave these meanderings in the word file in which they were created. So I hope you’ll be inspired to pick up a book, leave a comment, and share your recommendations with me.